Delaware Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Injury Lawyers
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious psychological condition, classified as an anxiety disorder. PTSD is most often associated with veterans’ who have returned home from war. PTSD has existed for many decades and was originally termed ‘shell shock’. The truth is that anyone can suffer from PTSD as it develops after a person has experienced a traumatic event, such as a serious accident, serious injury, extreme violence or an explosion. PTSD develops after the event occurs, sometimes within weeks, but occasionally months or years later. Strong emotions caused by the traumatic experience create changes in the brain that cause PTSD to develop. PTSD is a disorder characterized by four categories of symptoms which are outlined below. Each of these symptoms can cause great distress to the individual, disrupting his or her personal and professional life. If you have suffered an injury in an auto accident, animal attack or workplace accident, and think you may have PTSD as a result, you should contact a Delaware accident attorney who handles PTSD claims.
Please contact Delaware Personal Injury Lawyer Beverly L. Bove to discuss your case by dialing (302) 777-3500. She handles all types of motor vehicle accident claims, animal bite claims and workers’ compensation claims in Delaware as well as Chester County, PA and Delaware County, PA. Her accident law office is located in Wilmington just off of Route 202 and offers ample free on site parking.
Symptoms Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
While symptoms of PTSD vary among individuals, and can manifest in different ways, the four main types of PTSD symptoms are:
- Re-experiencing the event. When bad memories of a traumatic event continue to haunt someone, this can be considered a symptom of PTSD. Whether the person is awake, and experiences a flashback, or is asleep and has a nightmare, the individual feels like he or she is going through the event again. He or she suffers the same fear and suffering as during the original trauma. Sometimes the person may have a flashback for no reason, but sometimes a “trigger” can cause the experience. For PTSD victims, a trigger could be caused by witnessing a similar event in person or even on television, or hearing a loud or sudden noise that catches him or her off guard.
- Avoidance behavior. Another symptom of PTSD involves the individual avoiding people and places that somehow remind him or her of the original trauma. For a victim of an offshore accident, this may include anything from refusing to go near the water to avoiding TV shows or newscasts that discuss accidents at sea. He or she may also choose not to associate with former coworkers if the trauma occurred on the job.
- Feeling numb. Victims suffering from PTSD experience changes in the way they express their emotions. Activities that they once loved taking part in may now hold no interest; they may treat loved ones, even spouses or children, as though they were strangers. PTSD sufferers may also be unable to talk about, or even remember, details of the traumatic events they experienced.
- Hyper-vigilance. Hyper-vigilance can be defined as being extremely on edge. It is also commonly referred to as hyper-arousal. Individuals experiencing this symptom may suddenly become angry, for no apparent reason. If experiencing hyper-arousal, a person might feel jittery, and have difficulty sleeping or concentrating. He or she might also react with disproportionate fright if taken by surprise.
While these four categories of symptoms are most typical of PTSD victims, other forms of behavior are also common in individuals suffering from the disorder. Due to the strong emotions overtaking them, PTSD victims often turn to alcohol or drugs to help them cope with their feelings. Typically, victims may have trouble keeping or finding a job, as their behavior makes them difficult to employ. Post-traumatic stress disorder victims may also experience problems with their relationships, even going through traumatic severances like divorce, because of their inability to connect with others emotionally.
Contact An Accident Attorney Serving Delaware & Pennsylvania
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a potentially disabling mental disorder. It can be brought on by any type of accident, injury or traumatic event. Accident and injury victims who suffer from PTSD may experience relief from their symptoms, even making a full recovery, but only with the appropriate treatment. Physicians who specialize in treating PTSD victims frequently recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Certain medications, like Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) may also help PTSD victims cope with their symptoms and achieve recovery.
If you, or a loved one, is battling PTSD as a result of a traumatic accident, injury or event, you (and them) may be entitled to benefits and financial compensation under Delaware personal injury laws. If the traumatic event happened at work Delaware workers’ compensation laws may come into play. Please contact Newark Delaware Workers’ Compensation Attorney Beverly L. Bove as she truly understands the difficulty in this type of situation. Ms. Bove works diligently to ensure that victims’ rights are protected and that their fight for compensation is strengthened by an attorney. Don’t wait any longer if you or a loved one suffers from PTSD; call her Wilmington Delaware accident law office today at (302) 777-3500 today for effective legal representation. Ms. Bove charges no legal fees if she does not recover for you. Her office is minutes from Concord Pike and offers plenty of free on site parking.